To awaken in the amazing realisation of yellow is to be as if in a warm touch of a comforting hand that has a warmth that penetrates and envelops the body. So much that this simple colour brings to our lives. It appears clear and open makes for the question how could there be a mystery to this. As you go further into the yellow the mystery is clear, once we let go of looking for it. So much of how we present in the world is wrapped up in the experience of yellow. So it was a bit to shake it down to just 5 things.
Taking it Lightly
Humility as a strength
Freedom in letting go.
There is a simplicity, a youthful way of being yellow offers. Youth is the time for building strength in the incarnation, how we express in this world. It is testing the waters. sometimes seeming a battle of wills. there is much to learn in this. The testing may develop the being toward war, authority, control or addiction to ways of acting. Funny, though, if we believe how our skin presents in the passage of time, the marks of the testing, would it be a surprise that we begin to believe in aging. Yellow reminds us it's not the matter of skin and it is what within we create it, outwardly around us.
Equilibrium bottle or 'B' 4 is a small glowing 50ml drop of sunlight in a bottle. The bottle is actually named Sunlight Bottle, it sits humbly, winking from the top shelf of my bottle display. Easily overlooked and like the sun, because it is there everyday, an amazing powerhouse with simple clarity. A clarity that grows as it rises with the day and we immerse again in our daily drama.
The power the sun has on our lives, is immense. If the sun burps, we feel it. If the sun fluctuates we feel it, not just in light and warmth but in electromagnetic waves. Light and energy waves seen and unseen. below, within and beyond our spectrum. We live in a continual shower of sunlight, even when we are in our shelters. A shower of planetary 'nectar', light and energy, that penetrates like a warming oil, offering an opportunity for relaxation of tensions worries and anxieties.
In sunlight we can gain clarity, see better and with that, an opportunity for gaining knowledge. This can be likened to a plant; absorbing sunlight, initiating photosynthesis, the absorbing valuable nutrient and elemental vibes, all gathered from the resources stored within. A very simplified version but like that.
There is a flow in yellow, as if just let the flow go, allow the circulation to move, release and absorb what is needed and what is not. This involves a level of letting go. Letting go of control, an idea or concept. Something that must al all costs be gained though sheer force of will. It may be little like ensuring you speak or act in a way that ensures a result you require for you to feel comfortable or at peace. So you do this every time someone else could do that for themselves. This form of control places your happiness beyond you and something others must do for you.
There is much to rebut here however consider for one moment, what can be let go of, to what level? If you are unhappy, what can you let go of? The sun shines everyday, at this moment it is predicted to shine for a few trillion more, plus.
What can you let go of today? What lets you surrender to the sensation of being in a warming flow of deeply massaging oily nectar? What knowledge has been circulated through the energy layer of the body? Is it supportive of the soul's growth as it matures into a solid way of being?
'Standing tall' is something that this amazing nectar can awaken, physically, emotionally or figuratively, as a way of being. Try to feel it in the sense of the sound, that make these words. At times yellow may be seen in an egoic sense, in balance or leaning toward unbalance. This
state can awaken confidence, charisma, magnetism, belief and self-belief. These are a 'taste' when elements that come together help rise, in balance in the direction of gravity. Like a plant, when all things seem to fall to the centre
, a plant appears to rise upward. All things flow outwardly around as standing tall, when all things within are in balance at the centre of the being.
There is a secret here, yellow contains this secret of as in ward, so outward as above so below. this 'secret is the fundamental 'blueprint' a plant returns to when 'awakened' to the opportunity for balance in all things inner and outer. A plant is the symbol of the center of balance the freedom of flow when restriction to the resources within, are let go of. Whenever things feel as if falling when you are feeling gravity's pull in the direction of outer forces. Bring your weight, your incarnated being, to center, go inward to your center, then rise.
B4 Sunlight bottle, contains within it as seen in the gold of the base fraction as if supporting the yellow of the upper fraction. A memory of the original cells of the incarnation at this time, the original blueprint and the human ability to activate beyond the realm of the known. Here is the remembering of time, the three fold pathway in which from the center rises the memory of what was and what will be each day, in this time elements are broken down assimilated and awakened to the joy of the life rising. Until where once the plan was to produce a leaf instead it becomes a flower.
Light energy reached down into the Earth to mine for resources and the light generates from within lifting the knowledge that is transformed into wisdom through heat of interaction and experience, bringing together elements from past and present to produce intelligence that has the ability to awaken or observe.
Ah Yellow, so simple really, simple of an elegant complexity that really we don't need to know, this is to experience. To be free, letting go of un-balanced any way of being, come back to the center, and from here rise. What potential would this awaken, I wonder.
As we move to Spring in the Southern Hemisphere, we are reminded with flowering of the wattle, 1st of August is Wattle Day. The sheer abundance of this celebration to the Sun. The explosion of nectar and life in the bush. Birds rise in the morning to sing the song of the rising light. As the sun rises the frost melts in the warming of the Earth. Where once the darker light, the colder air turned the green to reds and purples, the threefold flow of the sap, carrying the memory of the sun's warmth into the leaves, letting go of the restriction to the minerals and rebalances the elements to once more absorb and reflect the sun in abundant growth.
Allow this time to throw open your temple doors, shake off the accumulated dross of confined thinking and limited view. Grow confidence and humble strength, carry the being forward with laughter and warm company, gather your resources and appreciate the value of experiencing life in incarnation. And just be happy not needing to know anything.
Look forward to sharing with you as we rise with the sun.